SpaSmart Floating Tablet Dispenser

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The SpaSmart Floating Dispenser is the perfect companion for your Chlorine or Bromine Tablets.


A simple and safe way to dissolve your spa chlorine/bromine tablets.

The SpaSmart Floating Dispenser dissolves your Chlorine and Bromine tablets with ease, featuring adjustable water flow settings that allow you to control the level of the chlorine/bromine entering your spa. Its weighted bottom provides balance to the dispenser allowing it to sit on the top of your water line dispersing chemicals without any disruptions. A great way to save you time and effort.



·       Adjustable - Maximum flow control with 13 settings to help optimise the amount of bromine or chlorine released into your spa

·       Heavy duty - strong, durable, with a weighted screw-on cap

·       For use with 1” bromine or chlorine tablets - (tablets not included)

·       Great for spas, above-ground pools, and small pools


Peace of mind:

Warranty: - year manufacturer’s warranty (12 months).